Why is the role of Serbs important for peace in the world?

They tell me that I exaggerate Serbism, and I tell them that my Serbism, if the truth about the Serbian hidden history that I am publishing can be called that, can hardly surpass their centuries-old Serb-oppression, Serb-destruction, Serb-hating and Serb-killin.

I will not stop with "Serbism" until the last Serb understands WHO he is and WHY he is being persecuted and destroyed. Why did they divide us by religion, by nationality, putting on pieces of our homeland different names and distorting our alphabet and language, creating new, artificial ones!

They divided one NATION into different religions, languages and countries, in order to enslave us more easily!

Until every SERBIAN understands that the reason for this is the LOVE he carries in his heart, which is the EMBODIMENT OF GOD HIMSELF in him. He extended that love to everyone around him, not distinguishing between friends and enemies.

And that is not, as many believe, OUR BIGGEST MISTAKE and that is why we are where we are. NO! WE SHOULD NEVER CHANGE THAT! Only then would we sin against God!

What the Serb should learn from this centuries-old lesson is - that he SHOULD STAND UP FOR HIMSELF!


To carry love in your heart for all people, regardless of their unconscious behavior, is the DIVINE ASPECT of our being. We have not lost that, thank God, because if we had, we would not be different from those who have lost it and commit bad deeds.

However, there is also a HUMAN ASPECT of our being and that is what we need to perfect: TO LEARN TO STAND UP FOR OURSELVES! Let's stop being silent and suffer injustice, slander and lies! Let's oppose them!

Let's stand up and tell the TRUTH!

When we miss it and remain silent, then those who do it think they are right. Only when we speak the TRUTH ABOUT OURSELVES, then our words echo in their heads and make them realize that not everything is as they imagine or have heard from others.

In this way, we made it possible for those two aspects, divine and human, to be in balance.

Balance is the same as harmony, and from it comes PEACE IN THE WORLD!

We all learn from each other and when we fail to speak the truth they need to hear, we deprive them of the lesson God brought us together for. Then we do not carry out God's plan.


Those two aspects of our being should be in balance. On the one hand LOVE in your heart and on the other CORRECTNESS in acting towards other people. Which means: love and understand but act correctly - speak your truth. This is the only way it can be manifested and resound, that could be heard and acted upon.


Not because we are better than others, but because we are all the SAME because we learn the same lesson. We learn that we are all ONE.

There is only one difference between us, and it is reflected in EGO DISBALANCE. For some, the ego took hold and they rose up and became VIOLENTS, while others, i.e. our ego sank and we became VICTIMS!

What we are ALL learning TOGETHER is to bring our egos back into balance as well as BALANCE our divine and human aspects.

With the fact that we are at an advantage because this other side has yet to discover what we have never given up, which is love, which is God.

Peace and harmony in the world will come when we speak up and stand up for ourselves, because that's the only way we help ourselves. At the same time, we help those who have ascended to bring their ego back into balance.

And that with love in the heart, because God only helps us that way.

So, they did their part, now it's our turn! They even overdid it and it's not their fault. It is our fault because, by our inaction, we ALLOWED them to do so.

SRBIN or SERBAN, translated from Sanskrit (Sorabic, Serbian), is composed of two words and means:

SER - knower of God's secrets

BAN - one who is so pure that he can be the master of God's secrets.

If you think you are worthy of this name, it's time to join us, to start working on Serbianity together, because that's the only way we'll do GOOD to this world!

The call has been made.

SERBS, speak up if you know God, because the WORLD is crying out for PEACE!
Crying out for TRUTH, LOVE and BALANCE!

Snezana Latinović

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